
Monday, September 30, 2019

Air Asia Background

ALBUKHARY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION STUDIES PROGRAMME 2011-2012 ALBUKHARY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION STUDIES PROGRAMME 2011-2012 Assessment Task: Team Project (10%) Type of assessment: Four persons in a team Starting Date: Week 5Ending Date: Week 10 Learning Outcome tested: 1. LO1 – Explain the difference between data and information, the economics and problems associated with information. 2. LO2 – Distinguish between different types of technologies for acquiring , processing, storing, disseminating and communication data or information 3.LO3 – Discuss the various types of information systems that are in use by various organizations. Assignment Specification and Requirements : Currently, most of the organizations are prefer using Information System (IS) to organize and coordinate their data, Information and records. Information System is present to support the organizational activities. IS providing organizations with advantages as follow: * al low organization to increase market share/profit to better negotiate with suppliers, to compete with competitors * help in managing/keeping records, organizing information, analyzing data * help in make a better decision Assume that you work as a Manager at IT Department in your organization and you plan to implement new system for organization/department. The purposes of introducing a new system are to achieve organization needs and to improve performance of the organization. Requirements: As a Manager at IT Department, you need to prepare a report to the top management.The report is to propose/advice the top management about IS. The report should consist of: 1) Cover page with project title, subject name and code, student names and ID 2) Report should be in 10/15 pages 3) Includes table of contents and references 4) Computer-typed report The contents of your report should be as follow: 1. 0 Introduction 2. 1 Information/Background of Organization 2. 2 Business Strategy 2. 0 IT Arc hitecture 3. 3 Current method used in organization 3. 4 Explain why you need Information System in Organization 3. Describe the structure of IS 3. 0 IT infrastructure 4. 6 Identify IT components used to create and build IS 4. 7. 1 Hardware 4. 7. 2 software 4. 0 IT Personnel 5. 7 Staff involve in IT Infrastructure (e. g. IT Officer, Programmer, System Analyst, System Developer, IT Technician) 5. 8 Explain Roles and responsibility of IT Personnel 5. 0 IT Services (system used in organization) 6. 9 Detail Description about system 6. 10 Explain the function and services provided by the system 6. 0 Estimated Cost

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Critical Care Sound Environments Health And Social Care Essay

ABSTRACT. Intensive attention units in infirmaries take attention of critically sick patients under really nerve-racking conditions. A turning literature is demoing that intensive attention units ( ICUs ) are frequently really noisy and frequently transcending World Health Organization ( WHO ) guidelines1,2. However few surveies have linked more elaborate analyses of the sound environment, such as mean sound force per unit area degrees, transient sound degrees, and spectral distribution, to nurse well-being and public presentation. This survey differs from old surveies in several ways. Namely, we have studied the possible impact of layout design applications on the features of ICU sound environments. This was accomplished by comparing the subjective and nonsubjective qualities of two ICU sound environments with different layout designs. Furthermore, the survey included: 1 ) detailed nonsubjective and subjective noise degree measurings at multiple locations in each of the two units st udied, and 2 ) analysis of the association between the aim and subjective noise degrees via different statistical trials, including analysis of the impact of the ICU sound environments on sensed nurse results.I. IntroductionThe sound environments of ICUs are aurally demanding while nurses endeavor to put to death complex undertakings. It hence becomes of import to understand the acceptable and unacceptable subjective and nonsubjective qualities of the ICU sound environments from the nurses` point of position. In this survey, we believe nurses ‘ perceptual experience of their workplace sound environment is critical for the rating of undertaking and nurse well-being supportive ICU sound environments. By matching the subjective perceptual experience measurings with nonsubjective sound degree measurings, we can derive a more thorough appreciation of how physical and perceptual acoustic parametric quantities interact in the ICU scene. In order to cast visible radiation on these con cerns, we focused on the undermentioned research inquiries in this comparative research survey: 1 ) Do nonsubjective noise degrees differ: ( a ) between assorted locations within an single critical attention unit? ( B ) when comparing similar locations in the two critical attention units to each other? ( degree Celsius ) when comparing overall ( mean ) degrees in the two critical attention units to each other? ; 2 ) Do nurses` noise-induced irritation and loudness perceptual experience differ: ( a ) between assorted locations within an single critical attention unit? ( B ) when comparing similar locations in the two critical attention units to each other? ; 3 ) Does the sensed impact of overall noise degrees in the workplace on subjective nurse wellbeing and work public presentation differ when comparing two units to each other? ; 4 ) Is there a relationship between aim and subjective noise degrees? ; 5 ) Is there a relationship between noise degrees and noise-induced nurse results? II. PREVIOUS RESEARCHA. Overview of Hospital Acousticss1. ResultsThe acoustic environment in infirmaries can impact all residents, including staff, patients, and visitants. The undermentioned treatment in relation to the focal point of this survey is largely limited to the effects of noise on staff members: emphasis and irritation ; work public presentation ; wellness results and work overload. Information about how hospital acoustics may impact patients and visitants can be found in beginnings such as Bush-Vishniac et Al. 2 and Ryherd et al.3. The staff ‘s well-being, efficiency and effectivity in presenting attention and executing critical undertakings is critical to maximise patient safety, satisfaction, and attention quality in ICUs. Stress-annoyance: Intensive care unit are nerve-racking attention scenes that can be exacerbated by the centripetal overload caused by environmental factors, including the acoustic environment. Stress is the person ‘s assessment of a mis match between perceived demand and perceived self-capabilities to get by 4. Depending on the badness and continuance, it may take to illness ( i.e. , elevated blood force per unit area, dyspepsia ) , behavioural alterations ( i.e, unhappiness, depression, negative attitudes ) . Anxiety is a psychological responses to environmental stimulations or activity bring forthing rousing 5. Excessive anxiousness degrees can take to upsets. Like anxiousness, irritation is one of the early psychological responses which reflects the unwantedness of the environment stimuli 6. Irritation relates to the invasion of a stimulation on a mental or physical activity. In one survey, higher mean sound force per unit area degrees predicted higher sensed emphasis, and perceived irritation degrees in a Pediatric-ICU 7. In another survey, less sensitiveness to resound and greater personality robustness ( such as committedness, control, and challenge ) were linked with less noise-induced emphasis 8. In the same survey, ICUs nurses working eight-hour eventide displacements reported that they were significantly distressed by noise. There is some grounds that high noise degrees in attention scenes contribute to staff emphasis and irritation. However, the figure of noise-induced nurse emphasis surveies conducted in the ICUs is really limited. Work public presentation: Hospital sound environments that are supportive of infirmary undertakings could potentially better staff effectivity in presenting attention. Improved nurse work public presentation in ICUs can forestall inauspicious events, better health care quality, and optimise resource use. The survey fou nd that noise in the workplace was perceived to hold a negative impact on staff work public presentation and concentration 3. A Neonatal-ICU survey showed that sound that exceeds 55dBA most of the clip can potentially interfere with work. This multidisciplinary literature reappraisal survey highlighted that undertakings necessitating rapid reaction clip and watchfulness are sensitive to resound. Noise-induced work public presentation research has been more normally conducted in the operating theatres 9-11. The impact of noise on staff public presentation ( particularly in ICUs ) has non been widely examined. Health results: The acoustic environment throughout the infirmary may lend to negative ague or chronic symptoms in staff. Critical attention nursing is a really demanding occupation and it requires uninterrupted watchfulness, watchfulness, and wellbeing to carry on critical undertakings efficaciously. The survey found that of the 47 ICU nurses surveyed in an ICU, reported annoya nce, weariness and concerns due to workplace noise 3. The earlier mentioned survey besides showed that addition in mean sound degrees was significantly related to an addition in bosom rate 7. Elevated bosom rate can tie in with cardiovascular harm particularly in hypertensive persons 12. Noise-induced hearing loss has been the concern for executing sawboness in the operating theatres 13,14. However, noise-induced wellness results ( including hearing loss ) of ICU nurses` have non yet been the focal point of hospital noise literature. Work overload: Work overload can be critically of import for overall wellbeing of staff. Poor acoustical conditions in workplaces can worsen staff attitude and perceived work overload. When noise degrees exceed a nurse ‘s get bying abilities it can take to centripetal overload 6. Centripetal overload can do emotional exhaustion, dissatisfaction, and decreased sense of personal achievement. This in bend can do feelings of ineffectualness, awkwardne ss, low satisfaction, and perceived deficiency of success 15. In one survey, it was found that medicine mistake and other inauspicious events necessary for patient safety were associated with emotional exhaustion and staff burnout 16. In another survey it was besides found that nurse emphasis due to ICU noise was positively related to nurse emotional exhaustion and burnout17. Hagerman et Al. showed that in a coronary bosom unit enhanced acoustical conditions such as decreased echo clip and improved address intelligibility improved staff attitude perceived by patients 18. The limited bing grounds points to a important job that should be investigated farther to find appropriate acoustic conditions that will minimise negative work overload effects.2. Acoustic prosodiesThere is a turning organic structure of literature on infirmary noise. Many of those surveies focus on qualifying overall noise degrees in a assortment of hospital infinites including ICU ‘s, but few of them focuses specifically on ICU staff response 3. A assortment of different methods have been used in qualifying the infirmary sound environment. The grounds of these methodological analysis differences are non good known 3 but may be related to motivations such as single penchants, practicality, common sense, convenience, the degree of proficient expertness, etc. ( 1 ) Overall noise degree steps: These steps have been preferred most normally. This may be based on their practicality and convenience, in add-on to their incorporation into assorted guidelines such as WHO. Leq, Lmin, Lmax and Lpeak sound degrees can supply a general overview of the sound environment, but they remain limited for the elaborate analysis of the sound environment. ( a ) Leq: It enables the speedy comparing of the noise degrees with recommended values and those in other types of infinites. Therefore, it might be widely accepted as to be the primary step to depict a sound environment. This might besides happen in relatio n to the degree of proficient expertness required to show some penetration about more elaborate features of the sound environment. However, this common belief can be misdirecting about the truth and adequateness of the usage of chiefly Leq degrees. ( B ) Lmax, Lpeak and Lmin: The highest and the lowest values measured over clip provide more information about the overall noise degree fluctuations. In most instances, these steps are conventionally used to depict infirmary sound environments. However, these values remain unidimensional and level to depict the general tendency in sound environment. ( 2 ) Detailed noise degree steps: To counterbalance the restrictions of the overall sound steps, the usage of extra acoustic prosodies is critical for the elaborate analysis of the sound environment. Compared to above mentioned sound steps, Ln percentile ( Ln ) , echo clip ( RT ) , speech intelligibility ( SI ) , and the spectral content such as frequence analysis and noise standards steps h ave been less normally used. Hospital acoustic research has been the involvement of different research groups such as medical groups and proficient groups. Based on the group ‘s proficient expertness on the subject, some acoustic prosodies might hold been preferred to the others. ( a ) Sound quality related steps: In the ICUs, there is diverseness of noise beginnings such as dismaies, HVAC systems, conversation and medical equipment. Those noise beginnings generate noises with different frequences and sound forms. Ln percentiles and spectral content analysis become of import for elaborate analysis of fluctuations, tonic content, spectral distribution, and other features in the noise degrees over clip. ( B ) Speech quality related steps: Some other specific features of the infirmary room acoustic environment have been described with the usage of extra acoustic prosodies such as SI and RT. To construe the intervention of the infirmary noise degrees and room conditions with criti cal medical communications, SI has been used. To stand for the degree of drawn-out being of noises that can perchance overlap and interfere or dissemble the other sounds, RT has been used.3. Measuring ICU sound environmentsMethods applied during the sound sample aggregations can hold important impact on the appraisal of the infirmary sound environments. There has non been a widely accepted understanding about how the sound samples should be collected to qualify the complex and dynamic ICU sound environments in close propinquity to occupant experience 3. However there has been some consensus on a few methodological considerations among different ICU-noise surveies such as locations where sound informations collected in the attention scenes. Noise degrees in the ICU patient suites have been normally documented. Sound recordings took topographic point either in a representative patient room 3,19,20 or in more than one patient room with different characteristics such as distance to the nurse station, occupied-empty, figure of patient beds 2,7,21-28. There was a good understanding on the location of the sound metre: every bit near as possible to patient caput – to capture what the patient hears- while avoiding any intervention with nurse work flow. Hanging the mike from the top of the medical tower in the patient room has been introduced as a practical solution 3. Different continuances were preferred for the aggregation of sound samples such as 168hr, 72hr, 24hr, and 8hr at patient locations. Among those, 24hr entering period was more widely accepted than others. A few ICU-noise surveies have conducted different continuance noise degree measurings at the nurse Stationss such as 24hr and 168hr 2,26,27. Busch-Vishniac et Al. described the sound environment of one more puting – hallways- in their survey and placed the metre at the room centre 2. Largely the merchandises of two companies have been preferred to mensurate sound degrees: Larson Davis and Br uel & A ; Kj?r. It was non a common attack to document the sound metre scenes used. Much of the noise degree measurings were conducted based on slow response clip ( 1sec ) as suggested by Occupational Safety and Health ( OSHA ) for typical occupational noise measurings 2,28,29. Some surveies used fast response clip ( 0.125sec ) as suggested by WHO 3,21. When recorded based on fast response clip, more fluctuations can be expected in the sound degrees. The penchants among averaging intervals varied and ranged between 5sec and 24hr ( i.e. 30sec, 1min, 5minaˆÂ ¦etc. ) . Among ICU-noise surveies the usage of 1min averaging interval was more common likely because it enables a more elaborate expression to the clip history informations. Sound recordings were normally analyzed as a map of clip. Day clip and dark clip mean sound degrees were normally reported. Among the reviewed ICU-noise surveies, non many of them were conducted during the weekends but during the weekdays. Morrison et A l. and Ryherd et Al. considered twenty-four hours and dark clip based on 12s hr nurse displacements ( twenty-four hours time:7am-7pm ; dark clip: 7pm-7am ) 3,7. MacKenzie and Galbrun considered the twenty-four hours and dark clip periods based on WHO guidelines ( 16hour twenty-four hours time:7am-11pm ; 8hr dark time:11pm-7am ) 21. In drumhead, consistence of the methodological penchants in infirmary acoustics research can be really helpful for the dependability of the comparings between the consequences of different surveies.III. METHODOLOGYPutingThe research was conducted in two intensive attention units ( ICU ) at Emory University Hospital. Neurological ICU ( Neuro-ICU ) is a late opened 20- bed unit ( Fig. 2 ) . This unit received the â€Å" ICU Design Citation † award in 2008 for its design purpose to heighten the critical attention environment for patients, households and clinicians. Some unit design features include big private patient suites with household studio, dis trusted nurse work countries and care support countries and a scope of noise cut downing applications. High public presentation absorbent acoustic ceiling tiles and bead ceiling applications reside chiefly along the two parallel sides of the corridors and at the nurse Stationss, painted dry wall, vinyl flooring and 6ft broad ( two-wing ) glass patient room doors are some of the surface applications in the unit. Patient attention nucleus of the Neuro-ICU sits about on 19,000sqft. This nursing floor has a bunch type layout. The layout is composed of a six- bed and fourteen- bed bunchs. Each bunch has a cardinal nurse station with its ain attention support countries ( e.g. medicine room, supply roomaˆÂ ¦etc ) and computerized patient monitoring system. In entire, the unit has two cardinal nurse Stationss and 17 distributed nurse work countries. Approximately one-third of the 390sqft patient room is segregated from the patient attention country by a semi-opaque glass wall and good equipped for household demands. Approximately one-third of the patient attention nucleus floor country is occupied by the corridors. The length of the corridors is 600ft. Entire Neuro-ICU includes extra infinites such as public household countries, CT scan lab, and a curative garden. With all these infinites, the entire Neuro-ICU sits about on 24,000sqft. The Medical Surgical ICU ( MedSurg-ICU ) is a 1980s epoch twenty-bed unit ( Fig. 1 ) . Compared to the other unit, MedSurg-ICU has a more traditional physical environment with ceiling tile, vinyl flooring, 5ft broad ( two-wing ) glass patient door and painted dry wall surface applications. Patient attention nucleus of this unit sits about on 8,800sqft. The nursing floor has a triangular form race path layout design – medical and support countries are located in the centre and patient suites are located on the margin and the corridor separates these two infinite types. Twenty private patient suites are organized around one big triangular form service hub. This hub contains two patient monitoring cores – each serves to ten patients- at the corners and a centralised attention support country. Patient suites in this unit are about 190sqft and equipped with a Television like the patient suites in the other unit. This peculiar layout type requires the usage of unintegrated co rridors for staff and household members. Approximately, one-quarter of the patient attention nucleus floor country is occupied by the staff corridor. The length of the staff corridor is 240ft. Entire MedSurg ICU including the household corridor environing the unit, sits about on 12,500sqft. In contrast to the physical environment differences, both units apply similar staffing theoretical accounts with intensivists and nurse practicians and suit critical attention patients with similar sharp-sightedness degrees. In both units, by and large ten to twelve registered nurses are working during each displacement. The Neuro-ICU nurses largely work 12-hr displacements ( 7am-7pm, 7pm-7am ) ; the MedSurg-ICU nurses besides work 8-hr displacements ( 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, and 11pm-7am ) . In both units, nurses can work either at the weekend or during the weekdays or both ; during the twenty-four hours clip or dark clip or both.Measures1. SoundObjective and subjective noise degree measurings in two units were conducted during two back-to-back months. In both units, same processs were applied. Objective noise degree measurings were conducted at four different locations in each unit: centralised nurse station, empty patient room, occupied patient suites with and without respiratory venti lator and multiple informations points in the corridors. A sum of 96-hr uninterrupted stationary noise degree measuring was conducted at the nurse station of each unit from Thursday to Monday. Saturday and Sunday was deliberately included as it has non been much addressed in the literature. In each unit, 24-hr uninterrupted stationary sound degree measurings were conducted in the occupied patient suites without respiratory ventilator during a weekday. In relation to limited entree, merely 45-min sound samples were collected from the occupied patient suites with respiratory ventilator. Similarly in each unit, 45-min uninterrupted stationary sound degree measuring was conducted an empty patient room while patient room doors were closed. At the corridors, multiple 15-min sound samples were collected at indiscriminately selected times during twenty-four hours and dark. In entire, about 246-hr sound informations was collected from both units. For the computation of overall noise degrees in each unit, all sound informations collected at different locations were taken into consideration. Medical equipment dismaies happening in the patient suites, patient proctor dismaies happening both in the patient suites and at the nurse Stationss, sound of the ice machine engine, phone ring, staff conversation, turn overing medical carts in the corridors were some of the common noises in two units. In MedSurg-ICU nurses are paged via overhead beepers. In Neuro-ICU 3G-phones or regular phones at the baies are used alternatively. At the corridors, the mike was located at a tallness of 4.5ft somewhat off the room centre and stabilized on a tripod. In the patient room, the mike was hanged from the ceiling at a tallness of 6ft. The distance between the patient ‘s caput and the mike was minimized every bit much as possible. Similarly, mike was hanged from the ceiling at the nurse station at a tallness of 6ft. In Neuro-ICU, the sound metre was set up at the nurse station of fourteen-bed side. In MedSurg-ICU, sound metre was located at somewhat off the centre of the cardinal nurse work zone in the centre of the unit. Sound information was collected utilizing a fast response clip for upper limit and lower limit degrees ( 0.125 s ) as recommended by World Health Organization ( Berglund and Lindvall 1999 ) . Three Larson Davis-type 824 sound degree metres were used and collected informations was downloaded via Larson Davis 824 Utility package. For unattended field measurings, two Lockable Larson Davis outdoor me asurement instances were used. . For safety intents, 50ft mike extension overseas telegram was run from each outdoor sound metre instance to the walls and eventually to the mark point on the ceiling. The out-of-door noise measuring instance was placed carefully at a topographic point out of the nurse manner. Before any installing effort, proposed locations for the arrangement of sound metre at different locations in the units were approved by the charge nurse. One-minute averaging interval was used. One-third octave set informations was obtained. The dynamic scope was 80dB un-weighted from floor-38dB to overload-118dB.2. Self-reportAn electronic study was administered to 90 and 60 five registered nurses working in Neuro-ICU and MedSurg-ICU severally. Nurses were contacted via electronic mail by the nurse pedagogue of each unit and they gave their consents online. The study consisted of four subdivisions: nurse profile and working conditions, perceived sound environment in the workpl ace, perceived impact of noise degrees on nurse results, general hearing wellness and noise sensitiveness. Survey response rate was 39 % and 35 % in Neuro-ICU and MedSurg-ICU severally. In Neuro-ICU, 85 % of the nurses participated in the survey was full clip and 15 % was portion clip nurses. In MedSurg-ICU, 70 % of the nurses participated in the survey was full clip ; 26 % was portion clip and the remainder was PRN. In two units more than 80 % of the nurse population was female. Similarly, in both units more than 80 % of the nurses were younger than fifty old ages old.IV. ResultA. Objective noise degrees1. Make nonsubjective noise degrees differ when comparing overall ( mean ) degrees in the two critical attention units to each other?Noise degrees measured at multiple different locations in each unit are averaged for the computation overall noise degrees including Leq ( assumed name ) , Lmax ( dubnium ) , Lpeak ( dBC ) and Lmin ( dubnium ) . Those locations are: nurse station empty patient room, corridors and occupied patient suites with and without the respiratory ventilator. To clear up, in order to spread out the sample size, measurings conducted in the occupied patient room with ventilator were besides considered in the computation of overall noise degrees for each unit. In MedSurg ICU and Neuro-ICU overall averaged Leq, LMax, LMin and LPeak noise degrees ranged between 57-58dBA, 105-97dB, 57.5-54dB, and 120-113dBC severally. Detailed consequences are shown in Fig. 2. For elucidation intents, in this paper the term â€Å" averaged † does non reflect the calculation methods used but refers to the consideration of multiple measurings in the computation of individual noise degree. More elaborate analysis consequences are shown in Fig. 3. This chart represents the per centum of clip that different degree unprompted sounds ( LFMax ) in the scenes exceeded peculiar noise degrees. This type analysis consequences are referred as â€Å" happening rate â₠¬  in this paper. In both units more than 98 % of the clip LMax noise degrees exceeded 70dB. It was more than 96 % of clip that LPeak noise degrees exceeded 80dBC in both units. Finally, it is possible to reason, the difference between overall averaged LAeq degrees in Neuro-ICU and MedSurg ICU are unperceivable. Information about perceptual experience of alteration in sound intensivity can be found in Mehta et al 30. However elaborate noise degree measurings indicated significant differences. The sound environments of two units are different based on the happening rate of the impulse sounds at high noise degrees.2. Make nonsubjective noise degrees differ when comparing similar locations in the two critical attention units to each other?A-weighted mean sound force per unit area degrees ranged between 52-60dB and 45-56 dubnium at four different locations in MedSurg-ICU and Neuro-ICU severally ( Fig. 4 ) . Those four locations were nurse station, occupied patient room without respirat ory ventilator, empty patient room and the corridor. In both units, patients with respiratory failure are connected to respiratory ventilator and most of those patients are under isolation which restricts the entries and activities in the patient suites. It was possible to carry on comprehensive measurings in the patient room without respiratory ventilator. Therefore, measurings conducted in the occupied patient room without respiratory ventilator was considered for location particular more elaborate noise degree analysis. At all four locations, LMax degrees exceeded 70dB about full clip in both units. Except empty patient room, at all other locations LMax noise degrees exceeded 80dB more than 36 % of the clip In MedSurg ICU and 11 % of the clip in Neuro-ICU. In general, noise degrees and happening rate of high degree impulse sounds was higher in MedSurg-ICU. Average sound force per unit area degree ( LAeq ) differences between nurse Stationss, occupied patient suites and the corrid ors of two units were either unperceivable or merely perceptible ( Fig. 4 ) . However LAeq noise degree difference between two units` empty patient suites was significant. LMax happening rates were dramatically different from each at other locations. Happening rates occurred at the nurse Stationss are shown in Fig. 5 as an illustration. However LMax happening rates did non differ dramatically in the empty patient suites ( Fig. 6 ) . LPeak happening rate analysis showed really similar consequences to LMax happening rate consequences.3. Make nonsubjective noise degrees differ between assorted locations within an single critical attention unit?In MedSurg-ICU and Neuro-ICU, overall noise degrees and happening rates of impulse sounds was much lower in the empty patient suites compared to other locations ( Table I ) . Occurrence rate of LPeak & gt ; 90dBC was systematically higher at the nurse station compared to other locations in both units. However, noise degree differences between nur se station and other locations were non ever perceptible based on differences between A-weighted Leq degrees.B. Subjective noise degrees1. Make nurses` noise-induced irritation and loudness perceptual experience differ between assorted locations within an single critical attention unit?In MedSurg-ICU, perceived loudness degrees at the nurse station were significantly higher ( p & lt ; 0.05 higher ) than other three locations harmonizing to nonparametric significance trial consequences. Average degrees of subjective irritation and volume are shown in Table II. Similarly, in Neuro-ICU perceived volume and irritation degrees in the empty patient room were significantly less ( P & lt ; .05 ) than other three locations.2. Make nurses` noise-induced irritation and loudness perceptual experience differ when comparing similar locations in the two critical attention units to each other?At all four locations – the nurse station, in the empty and occupied patient room and at the corrido rs perceived irritation and volume degrees of MedSurg-ICU nurses were systematically higher than the sensed degrees reported by Neuro-ICU nurses ( Table II ) . MedSurg ICU nurses perceptual experience of noise-induced irritation and volume at four locations ranged between 2.25 and 4.1.Same sensed degrees ranged between 1.6 and 3.2 among Neuro-ICU nurses. Additionally, nonparametric Mann-Whitney U trial consequences showed that noise-induced irritation and loudness perceptual experiences of nurses at the nurse Stationss and in the empty patient suites was significantly different in two units. Two unit nurses` sensitiveness to resound and tolerance to high noise degrees in the workplace did non differ significantly ( p & gt ; .05 ) . Overall, nurses were non really sensitive to resound and they could digest high noise degrees slightly.3. Does the sensed impact of overall noise degrees in the workplace on subjective nurse wellbeing and work public presentation differ when comparing two units to each other?A ­Perceived negative impact of workplace noise degree on five nurse result was reported higher by MedSurg-ICU nurses compared to Neuro-ICU nurses. MedSurg-ICU and Neuro-ICU nurses` responses ranged between 3-4.3 and 1.7-3 severally ( Table III ) . Overall, MedSurg-ICU sound environment was perceived systematically worse for nurse well-being and work public presentation compared to Neuro-ICU sound environment. Harmonizing to nonparametric significance trial consequences, all perceived five noise-induced nurse results differed significantly in two units.C. Correlations1. Is at that place a relationship between aim and subjective noise degrees?Spearman nonparametric correlativity trial was used to analyse the relationship between aim and subjective noise degrees. Overall and individually analyzed MedSurg-ICU and Neuro-ICU subjective and nonsubjective noise degrees systematically represent the being of a important relationship between subjective and nonsubjective noise degrees ( Table IV ) . Subjective noise-induced irritation and volume degrees are significantly and positively correlated with A-weighted mean sound force per unit area degrees and happening rate of impulse sounds happening at high degrees.2. Is at that place a relationship between noise degrees and noise-induced nurse results?Overall, subjective volume degrees are significantly and positively correlated with sensed noise-induced irritation, work public presentation, wellness and anxiousness ( p & lt ; .01 ) .D. Spectral content1. Frequency distribution of noise degreesOverall, sound force per unit area degrees were higher in MedSurg-ICU at low, mid and high frequence scopes ( 250Hz-8kHz ) ( Fig. 7 ) . At all locations but empty patient room, noise degree differences across frequences were largely either merely perceptible or unperceivable. At 8kHz clearly noticeable noise degree differences occurred between two unit nurse Stationss and occupied patient suites. At 250Hz and 5 00Hz, clearly noticeable and significant noise degree differences occurred between empty patient suites. Below 250Hz, sound force per unit area degrees were largely higher in Neuro-ICU ( Fig. 8 ) . In the empty and occupied patient room, noise degree differences at 16Hz were significant otherwise it was either merely perceptible or clearly noticeable. This happening might be related with the busyness noise generated by the HVAC engine located in the unfastened infinite in Neuro-ICU. This unfastened infinite about located in the centre of the unit and is non accessible by the residents but included in the design to supply natural visible radiation for some patient suites.2. Room Criteria ( RC ) analysisIn MedSurg-ICU, RC values were higher. However, RC evaluations were largely hissy and vibrational in Neuro-ICU while it was chiefly impersonal and non vibrational in MedSurg-ICU ( Table V ) .E. Fluctuation clipF. Speech Interference LevelIn general, speech intervention degrees in MedSu rg-ICU were higher at all four locations analyzed compared to Neuro-ICU. At the nurse Stationss, address intervention degrees ( SIL ) of the noise were highest and ranged between 50-53dB ( Table VI ) . Two female nurses will be able to ( hardly ) communicate with each other in normal voice up to a distance of about 3-4ft. Same distance ranged between 5.5-7.5ft if nurses raise their voices. Slightly lower SIL values occurred in the occupied patient room and in the corridors. Lower SIL degrees can enable safer communications from longer distances. Furthermore, compared to females, males in general are able to pass on better at longer distances.G. HVAC background noise degreesBackground noise degrees caused by HVAC systems were calculated based on steady 15-min sound samples collected in the empty patient suites. Sound force per unit area degrees across three frequences ( 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz ) were averaged every minute. In Neuro-ICU, HVAC noise degrees in the patient room were accep table harmonizing to American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ( ASHRAE ) recommended RC values, 25-35dB in the private suites 31. In Neuro-ICU, RC values ranged between 29-31dB. In MedSurg-ICU HVAC noise degrees in the patient room were higher than ASHRAE recommended values and ranged between 37-38dB in MedSurg-ICU.V. DISCUSSIONOne of the purposes of this survey is to lend to the on-going attempts to better health care sound environments. These attempts can enable more comprehensive analysis of helter-skelter health care sound environments. The survey findings discussed in this subdivision can supply some penetration for the appraisal of the bing and development of intelligence acoustic prosodies that might be necessary for more elaborate survey of the infirmary sound environments.1. Appraisal of overall ( mean ) vs. elaborate noise degree steps and their relation to subjective noise degreesOverall nonsubjective sound environment of two units were sig nificantly different based on elaborate noise degree measurings. Happening rate analysis is referred as elaborate noise degree measuring as it reflects the behaviour of impulse sounds during every minute. Statistically important differences between subjective noise-induced nurse results and loudness perceptual experience of MedSurg-ICU and Neuro-ICU nurses were consistent with the important differences between happening rates of impulse sounds ( LFMax, LCPeak ) that occurred at high degrees. Furthermore, nonparametric correlativity coefficient trial consequences indicated the being of a important and positive relationship between perceived irritation and volume degrees and happening rates of impulse sounds. However, overall noise degree measurings ( i.e LFMax, LCPeak, LFMin, LAeq ) particularly overall mean sound force per unit area degree did non bespeak perceptible differences between the sound environment of two units. Similarly, elaborate nonsubjective noise degree measurings be sides suggested important differences when comparing similar unprompted sound environments ( i.e. nurse station, occupied patient room and corridors ) in two units. Unlike detailed measurement consequences, overall mean sound force per unit area degree differences indicated either merely perceptible or unperceivable differences between similar locations in two units.2. Appraisal of stationary vs. unprompted sound environments and their relation to subjective noise degreesLocation specific subjective noise degree analysis ( i.e. perceived noise degrees at the nurse Stationss, in the empty and occupied patient suites and corridors ) indicated that MedSurg-ICU nurses` noise-induced irritation and loudness perceptual experiences were systematically higher than Neuro-ICU nurses` perceptual experiences. Particularly, subjective irritation and volume degrees differed significantly at the nurse Stationss and in the empty patient suites of two units. Nurse Stationss have unprompted sound env ironments where major sound beginnings are medical dismaies, telephone ring, staff laugh and talkaˆÂ ¦etc. Subjective noise degree differences between two unit nurse Stationss were consistent with important differences between happening rates of impulse sounds ( LFMax, LCPeak ) at the nurse Stationss. Unlike nurse Stationss, doors closed empty patient suites have stationary sound environments where chief noise beginning was the HVAC system. This clip, subjective differences between two unit empty patient suites were consistent with important differences between A-weighted mean sound force per unit area degrees measured in the empty patient suites. Furthermore, nonparametric correlativity coefficient trial consequences indicated the being of a important and positive relationship between perceived irritation and volume degrees and mean sound force per unit area degrees.3. Fluctuation clip and subjective noise degrees4. Features of infirmary sound environments and layout design ap plicationsAbove mentioned consequences confirms the earlier findings that suggest the being of a relationship between aim and subjective noise degrees. The theoretical account reviewed here suggests that different infirmary layout design applications can chair the relationship between aim and subjective noise degrees. Two unit nurses reported sensed effectivity of different layout design applications to cut down noise degrees based on their experiences and observations. Overall, three chief layout design applications were found effectual. Those were private patient suites, segregated corridor system and a unit with baies and centralised nurse station instead than a unit with merely centralised nurse station32. Private patient suites can diminish sensed complexness of the patient room sound environment as there are less noise beginnings in single-bed suites than multi-bed suites. In MedSurg-ICU, cardinal nurse station is a common-use workplace and at most times it is extremely popula ted by nurses for coaction, single work and telecommunication intents. Higher patient bend over rates ( new admittances and conveyances ) in MedSurg-ICU besides requires extra paper work to be done at the nurse station. In Neuro-ICU, nurses largely collaborate, work separately and telecommunicate at the de-central nurse Stationss. They visit the centralised nurse station for registering patient medical records, utilizing common resources such as copy-fax machine. Segregation of corridors used by household members and staff members can command riotous breaks by household members. On the other manus, household members can get down a insouciant conversation with staff members anytime while voyaging in the shared corridors. One of the chief noise beginnings in the health care scenes are conversations. Based on researchers` observation, the physical distance between the nurse Stationss or patient monitoring nucleuss can lend to the sensed frequence of the unprompted noise happenings. In this survey noise degree and happening rate of impulse sounds found to be critical for nurses` volume and irritation perceptual experience. In MedSurg-ICU, physical distance between two patient monitoring nucleuss ( from centre to centre ) was 48ft. In Neuro-ICU, same distance between two centralised nurse Stationss was 118ft. Distribution of noise beginnings based on layout constellation can escalate complexness of the perceived sound environment33. MedSurg-ICU race path layout design offers a more compact physical environment while Neuro-ICU bunch layout design provides more broad physical environment.5. Spectral content of the sound environment vs. subjective noise degreesStatistically important subjective noise degree differences between two unit nurse Stationss were non consistent with merely perceptible differences between RC values. However, more elaborate frequence analysis showed that clearly perceptible higher noise degrees occurred at 8kHz at MedSurg-ICU nurse station. Th is happening can be related with unprompted ( high noise degrees at high frequences ) nature of sound environment at the nurse Stationss. Statistically important subjective noise degree differences between two unit empty patient suites were consistent with clearly perceptible differences between RC values. This relationship can be explained by the steady nature of the sound environment in the empty patient suites. And this happening can besides foreground the dominancy of noise degrees at mid frequences in nurses` irritation and loudness perceptual experience in steady sound environments.VI. DecisionIn healthcare acoustics literature, it is widely accepted that noise degrees in critical attention scenes are really loud and raging. This survey agrees with this decision and reminds that features of different ICU sound environments can change drastically. Some of those differences are highlighted via elaborate comparative noise degree analysis between two units in this survey. Impulsiv eness ( high happening rate at high noise degrees ) degree of an ICU sound environment is suggested to be one of the chief indexs of sensed noise-induced nurse results and nurses` volume perceptual experience. At specific locations in the unit that have with steady sound environments, higher mean sound force per unit area degrees relates better to nurse irritation and volume degrees. Spectral content of the sound environment might besides be related with nurse irritation and loudness perceptual experience. Lower perceived noise-induced work public presentation can be expected in the units with higher address intervention degrees. Furthermore noise degrees at specific locations in the unit can be acoustically more debatable than the others where focussed intercessions can be necessary. For diagnosing of these possible conditions, conductivity of elaborate noise degree measurings at multiple different locations in the unit might be of import. During and after location specific noise d egree analysis, it might be good to oppugn whether peculiar acoustic metric used represents the general feature of the sound environment studied and observed. It might be critically of import for hospital decision makers to take enterprises for cut downing unprompted noise beginnings in ICUs such as reconsideration of dismay scenes that most times do n't match to exigency degree of the incidence, integrating of higher engineering for paging health professionals such as 3G-phones and avoiding overhead beepers. It might be critical for designers to see the recent technological progresss in HVAC systems to assist bettering occupant results. The sate-of-the-art HVAC system application in Neuro-ICU offers significantly less bothersome and quieter ( clearly perceptible ) sound environment in the patient suites compared to the HVAC noise generated by the older edifice system in MedSurg-ICU. In add-on to the application of technological progresss, strategic arrangement of the HVAC engine an d its insularity from the edifice construction can be critically of import to avoid possible feelable quivers and noises happening at really low frequences. Finally, in add-on to conventional acoustic intercessions ( i.e. absorbent surface stuff applications ) , some layout design considerations can besides be critical for the formation and consideration of the health care sound environments get downing from the early design stages.RecognitionsThis work has been partly supported by ASHRAE Graduate Student Grant-In-Aid. We appreciate GaTech Healthcare Acoustics squad members` partnership. We are thankful to Emory University and Dr. Owen Samuels for his advice. We are besides grateful to nurse pedagogues Ann Huntley and Mary Still, registered nurses Tim Rice and Anya Freeman and to all Neuro-ICU and MedSurg ICU nurses, patients and household members for their uninterrupted aid and forbearance during noise degree measurings in the units.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Navy Recommendation

1. While serving in the capacity as the Command Career Counselor the USS STEPHEN W GROVES (FFG 29), I have had the good fortune to have Petty Officer Jason Martinez work with me as the Assistant Command Career Counselor for our ship. 2. This past year has afforded me the opportunity of witnessing the many accomplishments PS1 has been able to achieve both personally and professionally. Petty Officer Martinez has demonstrated exceptional knowledge of all necessary retention programs such as PTS, CIMS, NRMS, Fleet RIDE and NRMS. He has led the way in training and providing information to our crew through First Terms Success Workshops, Career Development Training Courses and GENDET Success Workshops. Furthermore, PS1(SW) Martinez has been a driving force to ensure career development boards are conducted effectively. He has embodied the ideals of career development by encouraging the engagement of the chain of command providing the guidance needed by sailors to attain the objectives of the Sailor Continuum’s five vectors. 3. In addition to the above-mentioned accomplishments, he has completely overhauled our Command Sponsorship Program, establishing a new sponsorship team from the main departments of the ship, and providing the necessary training for instant results. Petty Officer Martinez flawlessly processed and tracked 23 reenlistments of which 15 were SRB entitlements over 110,000 dollars. He has processed six Fleet Reserve, seven Career Status Bonus, and 56 Perform to Serve applications. During this period while assigned as Assistant Command Career Counselor, he has stepped in and executed the duties as the Command Career Counselor, while I was away either TAD or on leave. 4. Petty Officer Martinez routinely performs his tasks flawlessly and at a higher pay-grade than is expected at his current rank, whether it is explaining Navy policies to the Captain, Executive Officer or counseling a sailor as to his career path options. His overall development as both an Assistant Command Career Counselor and a sailor over the past year has been nothing short of exemplary! Petty Officer Martinez is the type of leader that the Navy needs to continue leading the way in the career-counseling field! 5. A very important contribution that PS1(SW) Martinez has made to the success of the ships program is his ability to work together with and support the building of the career development team. In fact, one of his most important qualities has been his ability to earn the confidence and trust of the crew onboard the ship. It is this trait, in addition to all his other abilities, that makes him an effective career counselor. S. J. MARTINEZ

Friday, September 27, 2019

Cognitive Processes Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cognitive Processes Paper - Essay Example Some processes result from the conscious mind whereas others are because of the sub-conscious mind (Ohta, MacLeod, and Uttl, 2005). Many cognitive processes affect storage, retrieval, and application of knowledge and information. One of these processes is attention. Attention is the ability to create a total focus or center concentration on one specific thing in the surrounding while ignoring the rest. The ability to pay attention is essential in obtaining details, clear description, and understanding. Without focusing on one thing at time, the human mind wanders to other subjects and may miss important details. Attention allows the brain to see things more vividly and clearly. Studies show that the brain can filter and focus on just one source of data while putting other sources on hold. The sources of data are the five senses. Attention is a cognitive process that one can learn. Majority of individuals have to train their brains on creating a focus to a single source of information at a time. Lack of attention causes the mind to capture fewer details as it divides the focus among the different sources. People with a high degree of attention perceive maximum details from the data source. There are different types of attention exhibited at different times. An individual working on a task for a long time will require sustained attention. An individual exercising sustained attention does not take breaks from the assignment at hand but keeps concentrating on it. An individual can learn this type of attention over time. At other times, an individual exercises selective attention. He or she must choose to stay on the task even when there are sources of possible distractions. The individual chooses to put the distractions on hold to attend to the task. Different circumstances force an individual to consider distractions passive and concentrate on the task actively. Some individuals can exercise divided attention while handling multiple tasks. Whether the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Seventh Grade Algebra and Learning through Experience Assignment

Seventh Grade Algebra and Learning through Experience - Assignment Example In addition, it is clear that through teaching with the experience of doing, a student will learn at a higher and more comprehensive rate than just being told the information. Through an examination of the idea of teaching seventh grade students algebra, Piaget’s theories and those of his followers provide some insight into the overall project. Modified Behavior Approach The learning situation that is being discussed is that of the capacity of seventh grade students to be able to solve algebraic equations using different orders of operations. The essential behaviorist approach is that of the constructivist radical approach that would be used during instruction. The development of the skill to solve algebraic equations begins through the basic skills that are taught at younger ages so that by the time they are ready to approach problem solving at the algebraic level they have a background that supports this new step in the process. The modified approach is designed using schema theory through which the learner is given time to apply knowledge that is previous to the instruction to the new mathematical problems. In addition to the schema theory, the use of the information processing theory provides a method of teaching learners through a variety of ways so that the information becomes entrenched into the cognitive processes that the learner is using. Techniques such as the use of acronyms provide a broad number of learning tools to effectively create the necessary knowledge. Using the cognitive approach in order to allow students a variety of ways in which to express what they have learned. Group work provides the structure through which the result of the lessons can be evaluated and expressed by the students. The core of the lessons is approached through the constructivist approach as it allows for students to learn on their own. Martin and Loomis (2007) discuss how the constructivist approach can benefit students. The development of a constructivist appr oach is based upon students using what they know in order to experience the development of answers through the use of tools that facilitate their understanding and growth in a discipline. Teachers are guides rather than didactic reciters of information. Through this basic concept, the development of the teaching method provides students with the opportunity to experience the act of learning. Piaget’s Theory Piaget’s theory defines learning through two individual criteria, that of development and of learning. Development is based upon the mechanisms of action and thinking, while learning is the acquisition of skills. Learning is based on the development of intelligence. Learning can only be accomplished when a child has the pre-requisite skills that are defined by those mechanisms that have come about through development. This provides for a separation of learning and thinking, providing for the opportunity to examine one and the other independently, even as they will a ct in concert. The concept of learning can be seen through the way in which the ‘factor of equilibrium’ is relevant to the overall event of learning. The example presented by Furth and Wachs (1974) provides a method of thinking about what Piaget considered the ‘factor of equilibrium’. If one looks at a plant it needs water, sunlight, and specific elements in order to grow. However, these advantages do not create growth, but the use of them creates the growth by the plant.

Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Design - Assignment Example It will be a two-day program whereby the lessons will run from 8:00am to 3:00pm daily. It will be a two-day program whereby the lessons will run from 8:00am to 3:00pm daily. For these two days, the above stated units will be taught. On day one, 8:00 to 8:30am will be for exchanging introductions. Course documents will run from 8:30 to 9:00am. Choices for creating a questionnaire or survey form and creating a document will run from 9:00 to 10:00am. Review of Adobe Acrobat and creating a sample form, on the other hand, will run from 10:10 to 12:00 after the 10 minutes break. The first day will end at 3:00pm after examining the achievements and failures of the day. The parties involved will also review and repeat crucial steps in order to remember the process. This will take place from 1:00 to 3:00pm. My goal is to assist student create an Interactive PDF. They should be able to review different software programs, use adobe acrobat professional software and review minor technical errors when utilizing adobe acrobat (Sypowicz, 2010). My testing strategies will be how students determine adequate software, how efficient they are when using Adobe Acrobat and noting errors to the system among others. The whole process will cost the institution roughly $1500. This is taking into consideration the salaries, supplies, equipment, food, printing and travelling fee. Salaries might amount up to $625. Supplies and equipment, on the other hand, would amount to $250. The rest would be used in food supplies, printing of material, as well as travelling. However, the benefits of this course surpass the high cost of the course. After training is complete, participants will be happy about their fresh skill and knowledge concerning Adobe Acrobat Software. Knowing participants are no longer reliant on other members of an organization, or colleagues to make

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gas Industry and the Impact on UK Economy Essay

Gas Industry and the Impact on UK Economy - Essay Example This is because numerous factors influence the supply and pricing of gas creating extraordinary inconveniences in the country’s economy. The changing prices of gas usually inflict a lot of pressure on the local economy through pushing up bills for electricity and straining the energy needs. For instance, the nuclear disaster of Japan in 2011 was a significant factor that drove the prices of gas severely affecting the UK economy. This was fueled by the increase of demand for gas by Japan that created sentiment of scarcity. This is just one of lots of aspects that play a function in the UK gas consumption and inherently impact the general economy. This report navigates around the global gas industry, its features and particularly its effects on the vast economy of the United Kingdom. In order to underscore the vast industry and its significance to the economy, the paper will determine the basic problems of the gas industry, market structure, inflation, supply with demand, along with economic enlargement and unemployment. The essence of the report is to expose the inherent implications of the activities and events in the gas industry on the UK economy. The gas industry has several problems most of which induce negative implications on the general economy. ... Supply and demand in the gas industry Supply and demand in the gas industry play an enormous role in affecting the process of gas in the United Kingdom, which directly increases the bills for electricity generated from gas power stations. Any slight change in demand or supply of gas, therefore, has a massive impact on the UK economy (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Lords: Select Committee on Regulators, 2007, 56). A clear example is the Japan nuclear tragedy, which led to the plants being taken offline. Therefore, Japan required more gas to meet its energy demands as an alternative to nuclear power. Gas dealers developed anxiety that the gas shipment destined for Europe could be directed to Japan; where there was high demand for natural gas and was being offered high prices. This trader sentiment created apprehensions that augmented the prices that energy corporations had to pay to purchase gas in the United Kingdom. This is the main reason behind high costs in bills in the count ry in the winter season. Similarly, the conflict in Libya has led to low supply of gas in European markets that imported gas from the North African state thus increasing the price of international gas. As a result, the cost of electricity generation rose pushing up electricity bills. In the United Kingdom, gas and bills are directly related because any changes in gas prices affects electricity bills of energy consumers who use electricity derived from power generators. Therefore, the varying cost of gas is a single dynamic that profoundly affects bills in the UK. For instance, high general price increase the rate of domestic heating as well as the charge of electricity. This has been contributed by the reality that the charge of electricity derived from gas power-stations

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Literature review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literature review - Research Paper Example In this regard, he points out that today, solar power is used even in residential homes for the production of energy used for opening gates, lighting and heating. In addition, he also noted that some cars today are powered using solar energy. Watson also pointed out that solar power also has a lot of benefits. In this regard, he argues that the use o solar power helps in reducing cost since to reduce dependency on traditional sources of energy. Moreover, Watson (2012) pointed that solar energy is eco-friendly and is, therefore, a good move towards conserving the environment. Part 2: The origin, potential, and importance of solar energy. http://solarword.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-origin-potential-and-importance-of.html. In this article, Haluzan (2012) explores the origin, potential, and importance of solar energy. He argues that the sun’s radiation is one of the most important natural resource provided free and is limitless. Haluzan (2012) argues that without the sun, the plant where we live cannot support life. He reveal that projection by the International Energy Agency announced in 2011, showed that, with the invention of new technologies, the solar radiation will provide at least a third of energy by the year 2060 based on the fact the world is currently moving towards the use of renewable sources of energy of which solar is one of them. However, Haluzan (2012) is quick to point out that many countries have not yet embraced the adoption of energy from solar fully because the technologies used in solar lack the cost-parity with fossil fuel. Nevertheless, he also points out that many countries continue to adopt the use of solar technologies by installing solar panels on buildings for both domestic and industrial use. In addition to providing energy for domestic and industrial use, Haluzan (2012) also pointed out that the use of solar power will help reduce the amount of greenhouse emissions to the environment. This will help mitigate the impacts o climat e change and make the world a good place to live. Part number 3: The advantage and disadvantage of solar energy http://exploringgreentechnology.com/solar-energy/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-solar-energy/. In this article, Whitburn (2012) discusses the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. The advantages in this case according to Whitbun (2012) include the fact that solar energy does not pollute the environment. This is because it does not produce greenhouse gases like fossil fuels. He also noted that this is the main resource behind the advocacy for solar under the green energy technology as countries attempt to mitigate the impacts of climate change caused by greenhouse emissions. Secondly, solar energy is natural and provide free. Further, it does not require expensive raw materials, as is the case with fossil fuel. Thirdly, Whitbun (2012) notes that the use of solar power is advantageous because it offers decentralization of power since it create self-reliance in socie ty. In addition, he points out that solar power, unlike other sources of energy can be produced on or off the grid (powersourcesolar.com, n.d). Other advantages pointed out by Whitbun (2012) include that fact that its production helps in job creation, as well as saving the ecosystem and people among others. However, Whitbun

Monday, September 23, 2019

Soc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Soc - Essay Example I once attended a celebration of a Chinese new year which they call Kung Hei Fat Choi which is really a different celebration of New Year from my culture. For one, the celebration was replete with firecrackers and loud noises in their belief to scare away bad omens. They also had a dragon dance which they believe to bring good luck and rounded foods. This type of celebration is considered alien to me because we do not do dragon dance in celebrating New Year nor prepare round foods. To explain my seeming alienation about Chinese New Year, I would like to bring about George Herbert Mead’s social psychological theory of relation among the mind that not all factors in my environment can influence how I think. I belong to _____(your primary group) as my primary group and ____(your formal organization) as my formal organization. I am basically comfortable with my primary group albeit it has no formal structure where other people of the group, including myself are just enjoying each other’s company. The formal group on the other hand is more structured and has an objective why it exists. It reflects the normative organization because there are rules that are expected to follow where its members are expected to conform. In the primary group, my status varies since the structure is informal. Sometimes I am the leader and opinion maker sometimes I am the follower depending on the situation. In the formal organization however, my status is labeled as a member because I am not an officer of that club. At the end of the game, I belonged to the middle class because I had enough property to sustain me in the game. The game basically made me realized that if you make enough investment early in the game, you will end up rich because when other players step into your property, they have to pay rent and this accumulates as the game goes. Having enough resources in the game made me realized that it will enable the player to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Luxury Brands Insights Essay Example for Free

Luxury Brands Insights Essay Over years, India’s tryst with luxury brands has changed gears. With high disposable incomes and a penchant for all things luxury amongst affluent Indians on the rise, the country is emerging as the next stopover for global luxury brands such as Gucci, Christian Dior and Versace. However, we must realize that Luxury marketing is a whole new ball-game altogether, both from the perspective of the marketer as well as the luxury consumer. It therefore becomes important to view it both in relation and isolation from the ‘regular’ goods marketing. To achieve the above objective, we would first look at how luxury goods are different from regular goods and then go on to explore some facets and trends of the luxury goods as well as their market and consumers. This analysis would finally sum up into a SWOT analysis of the luxury goods segment, thereby helping in obtaining a bird’s eye view of the exercise at hand. Considering that the luxury concept has shifted to the ‘new’ meaning, we would further delve into that aspect to understand the drivers for luxury brands presently, as well in the time to come. This is followed by a luxury potential determination of the Indian market both in terms of quantitative growth factors as well as qualitative initiatives. INDEX Abstract5 Objectives Sub Objectives6 Research Design6 Getting To Know Luxury8 Difference Between Regular Luxury Goods10 Luxury In India14 Qualitative Insights15 Quantitative Insights16 The Affluent Indian: Profiling The Indian Luxury Consumers17 Classification Of The Indian Luxury Consumer21 4p Trends24 Consumer Trends29 Strategies For Luxury Marketing In India57 Moving Forward66 References69 Annexure70. â€Å"Why do I need to know how the watch market is doing? I’m in the business of luxury† Partick Heiniger, CEO, Rolex GETTING TO KNOW LUXURY Luxury brands have often been associated with the core competences of creativity, exclusivity, craftsmanship, precision, high quality, innovation and premium pricing. These product attributes give the consumers the satisfaction of not only owning expensive items but the extra-added psychological benefits like esteem, prestige and a sense of a high status that reminds them and others that they belong to an exclusive group of only a select few, who can afford these pricey items. The luxury sector targets its products and services at consumers on the top-end of the wealth spectrum. These self-selected elite are more or less price insensitive and choose to spend their time and money on objects that are plainly opulence rather than necessities. For these reasons, luxury and prestige brands have for centuries commanded an unwavering and often illogical customer loyalty. Luxury, derived from the Latin word luxus, means indulgence of the senses, regardless of cost. Luxury brands are brands whose ratio of functional utility to price is low while that of intangible utility to price is high. Such brands share characteristics like consistent premium quality, a heritage of craftsmanship, a recognisable style or design, a limited production run of any item to ensure exclusivity, an element of uniqueness and an ability to keep coming up with new designs when the category is fashion-intensive. THE market for luxury brands in our country has expanded in recent times. With income levels going up, customers prepared to buy such brands are growing in numbers. According to an NCAER Household Income Survey, in 2001-02, there were 20,000 families in India with annual incomes of more than Rs 1 crore. By 2005, that number increased to almost 53,000. By 2010, India will have some 1, 40,000 crorepatis. Retail management company KSA Technopak estimates the market for luxury and high-end clothing in India at Rs 1,000 crore and for accessories at another Rs 1,000 crore. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LUXURY INDUSTRY 1. Luxury is a product category in itself: This can be best explained by the fact that both an expensive watch and an artwork can be considered to be luxury items. Therefore, all luxury marketers are not just competing in their ‘technically defined’ product categories (like manufacturers of refrigerators compete amongst themselves) but for the wallet share of luxury goods in total. 2. The meaning of luxury had changed Luxury has moved from its ‘old’ meaning of ownership that is also known as conspicuous consumption Conspicuous consumption is a term used to describe the lavish spending on goods and services that are acquired mainly for the purpose of displaying income or wealth rather than to satisfy a real need of the consumer. In the mind of a conspicuous consumer, such display serves as a means of attaining or maintaining social status. Invidious consumption, a necessary corollary, is the term applied to consumption of goods and services for the deliberate purpose of inspiring envy in others has now changed its objects to the ‘new’ meaning of the experience / fulfilment derived from possessing a certain object. 3. Aura is more important than exclusivity Exclusivity is something that cannot be ensured to a great extent and neither is it the prime requirement of a luxury consumer. The consumer bases his decisions on the relevance of the aura of the brand to his fulfilment or actualization needs. 4. Trading up A mass of wealthy people have emerged the world over, give rise to a large section of consumers who are now moving to luxury / premium brands, thereby creating greater business opportunity for luxury marketers. 5. Trading down Today, fashion brands are giving luxury brands competition because of marketing mix and branding strategies, which make it acceptable to pair these two brands. This is something that was not practiced before. eg. Wearing an Armani shirt with a pair of GAP jeans 6. Emergence of luxury brands. Sea of luxury brands have emerged giving a wide choice to consumers, in all segments of luxury goods. 7. Factors at play In luxury marketing there is a subtle interplay between three factors that most strongly influence the luxury consumer to buy: product brand; dealer or store’s brand or service providers’ reputation; and price/value relationship 8. Customer loyalty is more important that brand awareness Rather than focus on measuring the brand awareness of a luxury company, measuring customer loyalty is far more significant a metric regarding the success or failure of corporate strategy to connect with the luxury consumer. CONSUMER PERSPECTIVES TOWARDS LUXURY Consumers can be segregated in 3 groups according to what luxury means to them: Luxury is Functional – these consumers tend to buy luxury products for their superior functionality and quality. Consumers in this segment, the largest of the three, tend to be older and wealthier and are willing to spend more money to buy things that will last and have enduring value. They buy a wide array of luxury goods, from artwork to vacations, and conduct extensive pre-purchase research, making logical decisions rather than emotional or impulsive. Messages that highlight product quality and are information-intensive are powerful with this group. Luxury is Reward – these consumers tend to be younger than the first group but older than the third. They use luxury goods as a status symbol to say â€Å"I’ve made it! † They are motivated by their desire to be successful and demonstrate this to others. Luxury brands that have widespread recognition are popular, however they don’t wish to appear lavish or hedonistic in their appearance. They want to purchase â€Å"smart† luxury that demonstrates importance while not leaving them open to criticism. Marketing messages that communicate acceptable exclusivity resonate with this group. Luxury is Indulgence – this group is the smallest of the three and tends to include younger consumers and slightly more males than the other two groups. Their purpose for luxury goods is to lavish themselves in self-indulgence. They are willing to pay a premium for goods that express their individuality and make others take notice and are not overly concerned with product longevity or possible criticism. They enjoy luxury for the way it makes them feel; therefore they have a more emotional approach to purchases. They respond well to messages that highlight the unique and emotional qualities of a product. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REGULAR LUXURY GOODS Luxury has never been something easy to define, yet this mystery concept is something highly desired by one and all alike. We look at delving deeper into this mystery and aura of luxury goods by way of comparing them against ‘regular goods’ as well as highlighting the characteristics of the luxury industry. Strategies for Luxury Marketing in India There are conventional foundations for ensuring success of a brand and they are listed below in brief: 1. The brand must be â€Å"expansive† Which means it should be full of innovation opportunities for the marketer and in terms of satisfying the divergent needs of the luxury consumer 2. The brand must tell a story It is this story, of either heritage or performance or other aspects that goes on to build the aura of a brand over time. The story always accentuates the identity of the brand. 3. The brand must be relevant to the consumers’ needs Depending upon the mindset of the luxury class, it is imperative for a brand to satisfy those needs, whether they are for recognition or functional use etc. 4. The brand must align with consumers’ values A brand that does not concur with the basic values of a consumer’s society has a small chance of succeeding because luxury items are forms of expression or identification for a luxury consumer. This makes it difficult for the consumer to adopt the brand in such cases. 5. The brand must perform Irrespective of which category the brand belongs to, a performance assurance is a must for the brand if it wishes to be in the evoked set of luxury consumers, considering the price being paid for luxury. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW. In the past, brands like Liz Claiborne and Pierre Cardin tested Indian waters but made a hasty retreat following poor customer response. This led to a general perception that India is still not ready for luxury brands. But now that impression is changing. Many leading global luxury brand marketers have started taking our market seriously. Luxury goods marketing is a different ball game as the type of customers involved fall in a different class altogether. These customers are influenced more by glamour and style and want to stand out in a crowd. They do not bat an eyelid whey they buy a Vuitton bag costing Rs 50,000 or a Mont Blanc diamond-encrusted pen for Rs 50 lakh, Ermenegildo Zegnas top-of the-line, custom-tailored suit costing Rs 6 lakh or a mid-range Louis Vuitton briefcase priced Rs 1. 27 lakh. As these figures suggest, luxury brands are prestige products characterised by high-involvement decision-making that is strongly related to the persons self-concept. Sensory gratification and social approval are the primary factors in selecting a prestige product. Cutting prices or giving discounts can be detrimental in case of luxury brands. A higher price implies a higher level of quality and also suggests a certain degree of prestige. Similarly, distribution should be restricted. Status-sensitive consumers may reject a particular product if the feeling of exclusivity goes away. Managing luxury brands is as much an art as a science. The challenge is to create a demand for something which is not really needed. After all, it looks crazy to spend Rs 50,000 on a handbag or Rs1,27,000 on a briefcase. Creativity plays a key role in creating such a premium image. Many luxury brands achieve legitimacy and fashion authority as a result of the creative talent of their design teams who respect the brand heritage and yet continuously reinvent it. MARKET SIZE AND INDUSTRY GROWTH RATE With the European and American markets reaching a saturation point, leading players are now concentrating on the BRIC countries and the action is expected to shift to India, being the fastest growing luxury market, growing at 25%. , and is expected to maintain these rates for the next 10 years. The Indian Luxury Market is estimated to be to be USD 4. 35 billion and this forms only 2% of the global share. The growth of luxury markets is on the basis of GDP per-capita growth and the High Networth Individuals (HNI’s) in a country. India will be the second largest economy by 2040. Factors like Consumer Attitudes, Real Estate, Regulatory Environment and Ecosystem are important for the growth of luxury market and these are improving in the country. India has 83,000 millionaires and every year 16,000 more are getting added to this. The main trigger behind Indians indulging in luxury is to flaunt status, and the consumers here are becoming aware of leading global brands in the space, but tend to be extremely value conscious. There is a sizeable population engaging in outbound travel and getting exposure to global luxury market. The Indian consumer wants not just to be pampered, but entertained, excited and Inspired by Luxury brands and hence global players will have to look at innovative methods of reaching and engaging customers to succeed in the Indian market. With India emerging as one of the important players in the Luxury Space, the rich and famous across the globe are interested in exploring Indian Luxury products. Also, because of the availability of high disposable income Indians have developed an appetite to live a lavish lifestyle. India is being looked upon by the entire world as an emerging market and a potential Global hub. Hence, considering the potential of the Country many big brands from across the Globe either have set up their base here or are planning to do the same. GDP CONTRIBUTION The Gross Domestic Product or GDP is the indicator of the performance of an economy. According to the estimates of 2008, Indias GDP is $1. 209 trillion and this is slated to make improvement in the coming times. It is estimated that Indias GDP will grow by 6. 5% in the year 2009. In 2008 the countrys GDP was 9%; the slowdown that has been witnessed this year in the estimates is largely due to the slowdown witnessed by the agriculture and the industrial sectors. A look at the India GDP composition sector wise throws up some interesting figures. The agriculture sector contributed 17. 2%; industry contributed 29. 1% while the service sector had a contribution of 52. 7% according to 2008 estimates. FDI LIMITS AN INTERESTING FACT!!! What is the size of US Luxury Market? A) A third of India’s GDP B) Half of India’s GDP C) Equal to India’s GDP D) More than double India’s GDP ANS: D) More than double India’s GDP. While India will certainly not match the US, Japan or China in terms of its domestic market size for luxury goods and services for decades to come, its influence on global luxury business will steadily increase in the coming years. The reasons are many and mostly historical. Unlike Japan or China, India has a history and a tradition of luxury for millennia. It has an influence on textiles and handwork on them, on gems and their setting in jewellery, in food (including ingredients and spices), on natural skin and body care, on fragrances and cosmetics, and even furniture, furnishings, and objects d’art. For centuries, India’s nobility and the wealthy have been used to â€Å"commission† and patron works of luxury and extraordinary human skill. LUXURY MARKET SECTORS SECTORS| KEY PLAYERS| MARKET SHARE %| Jewellery| | 27| Clothing| | 16| Digital Accessories| | 13| Time Wear| | 8| Cosmetics Skin Care| | 8| Foot Ware| | 6| Wine Liquor| | 6| Accessories| | 6| Fragrances| | 4| Crystal Wear| | 2| Others| | 4| The Key Player Analysis The following table summarizes the marketing mix adopted by the 4 leading luxury brands. In order to arrive at successful strategies to market luxury in India, it is pertinent to look at the marketing strategies instituted by the existing luxury players in India. Product| Price| Place| Promotion| Valentino offers a limited assortment due to the nascent demand of gowns in India. This is attributed to Indian women’s preference of sarees over gowns. Because of this trend, Valentino has launched â€Å"saree inspired gowns† in their latest collection. Valentino has also included a few sarees (worn by Elizabeth Hurley) in its trademark red in their collection. | Valentino claims to charge prices same as their western counterparts. | Opened its first store in August ’06 at Delhi’s Shangri La hotel. it is currently looking for space to open a standalone store each in bangalore, Mumbai surprisingly, Ludhiana. Has no plans of opening a store in a luxury mall due to a fear of dilution of identity. The brand owns numerous stores in China. | The brand has little promotional presence. In the west it relies on red carpet events fashion shows to promote its gowns. However due to lack of such events in India, it uses little print advertisements from abroad in India. They predominantly feature Hollywood actresses models. | Product| Price| Place| Promotion| The brand offers a smaller assortment of their products in west in India. This is attributed to the cultural difference the differences fashion trends. | The brand claims to price their products equitably in India when compared to their western counterparts. However, it does admit to the greater taxes. | Launched operations in India in 2005. has only one boutique in India as opposed to 8 boutiques in China. The brand’s only boutique in India is located at The Imperial Hotel in Delhi. | Has no. promotional campaigns targeted exclusively at Indian market. Nicole Kidman, the brand’s leading endorser, recently shot an advertisement with Indian model/actor Arjun Rampal in Rajasthan. However, the advertisement will not be aired in India as Chanel only promotes in print media in India. Came into headlines for dressing up actress Sonam Kapoor for a film premier. | Product| Price| Place| Promotion| Made headlines with their intention to design sarees. However, the brand has shown no signs of actually producing them. Offers limited amount of their product offerings due to limited demand in Indian market. However, is planning to expand their offering in future. | The brand admits to charging a higher price due to the tax structure high infrastructure costs. | Launched operations in India in 2007 with boutiques in Mumbai and Delhi. Murjani Group is the master franchisee of this brand in India. The brand’s store in Delhi is located at The Oberoi’s Hotel. the brand has currently shelved the plans of opening four more stores including one in the Emporio Mall. The brand owns close to 27 stores in almost all leading cities of China. | The brand relies heavily on print advertisements. However, it regrets its recent decision of promotions through newspaper advertisements as it harmed the brand’s exclusive luxe image. Has no specific advertisements promotional material for Indian customers. | Product| Price| Place| Promotion| Armani offers all of their latest collection in their Indian stores. The brand recently made headlines in Indian newspapers for including Sherwanis in the 2009 fall-winter collection. The sherwanis are now sold globally in all their stores. The brand has registered a tremendous growth by selling above 200 items a month and registering a growth of above 50 percent annually. | Armani claims to price their products same as abroad refuses to comment further. | Armani has recently entered the Indian market with a joint venture with DLF. The store currently operates through two exclusive stores in Delhi’s first Luxury Mall DLF Emporio. The is currently in plans of opening four more standalone stores in Delhi and Mumbai. It owns 15 stores in China. | Armani, unlike in west, only relies on print media (in magazines) to promote their products. The brand features its international promotional material in India as well. However, in its latest ad campaign, it featured a model of Indian descent (Vasuki)| DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE MACRO-ENVIRONMENT Political Trends One positive factor for any company entering India is the political stability of the nation as well as democratic style of leadership. Government apart from tariffs has taken a neutral stance towards the luxury stalwarts, FDI and tariffs as only concern which will be strengths in coming future. The implementation of the Free Trade Area, which laid out a comprehensive program of regional tariff reduction, will be continuously implemented in phases through the year 2010. Over the course of the next several years, the programs in tariff reductions will be made broader. Efforts to eliminate non-tariff barriers and develop common product certification standards were initiated. In addition, ASEAN also was able to formulate framework agreements for the intra-regional liberalization of trade in services. Economic Trends Despite the adverse economic trends in the last year, the luxury goods industry as a whole experienced relatively robust economic growth. Many countries have also seen the risk-weighted capital adequacy ratios of their banking systems improve due to government-sponsored bank recapitalization programs, continued progress in financial restructuring, and improvements in financial risk management. Overall Indian economic trend is a silver lining for companies as India is increasingly becoming the hotbed for millionaires and billionaires the new found riches is growing and will continue to be so, hence economic trend which was a challenge will grow as a big advantage. Social / Cultural Trends. There have also been social and cultural trends that have been evident over the last few years in the luxury goods industry. These include: (a) The irreversible rise of civil society (b) The rise of civil society and urbanisation blends perfectly with dreams that luxury brands sell (c) The increase in the roles of intellectuals and social awareness. (d) Indians are a peculiar breed, victims of centuries-old socio-economic oppression. Where each of us is pinned on the social matrix is revealed by our last name or even a stray twist in accent. Money or the display of it can rarely manage to unsettle the hierarchy. Awareness or rather subtle awareness is something which luxury marketers are happy about and aiming at. With more and more urbanisation and globalisation the need to be in parity with the world will fuel the demands for more upmarket and more luxurious lifestyle. Technological Trends It is a common knowledge that the luxury goods industry is still a relatively new industry in the country and is still in its early stages of development. Technology being a important factor still comes as second at times in various luxury categories, though make no mistakes that that second is still way above what a mid level brand can aim at. India being hub of technological development still does not provide luxury brands enough lucrative options as tech advancement are not synchronised and homogeneous, hence it is a dark spot but might be a very significant area in future. Legal Trends. Intellectual property (IP) and IP Rights (IPR) creation, commercialization, and protection have been a significant source of comparative advantage of enterprises and economies and a major driver of their competitive strategies. Indeed, countries all over the world are fully aware of the pressing need for a long-term policy commitment to collectively transform the luxury goods industry into one which is largely based on knowledge, driven by innovation and sustained by life-long learning. Countries all over the world have pledged to work together to help accelerate the pace and scope of IP asset creation, commercialization and protection; to improve the regional framework of policies and institutions relating to IP and IPRs, including the development and harmonization of enabling IPR registration systems; to promote IP cooperation and dialogues within the region as well with the region’s Dialogue Partners and organizations; to strengthen IP-related human and institutional capabilities, including fostering greater public awareness of issues and implications, relating to IP and IPRs. INDIA and IPR are a big problem, just not having the stringent and encompassing laws is not the only issue, and problem also arises due to weak enforcement of laws. Cheap imitation and intellectual property infringement is a common occurrence in the nation. Luxury Goods Industry SWOT Analysis Strengths: †¢Has products that boast of a very powerful retail. This includes a reputation for value of money, convenience and a wide variety of products †¢Has grown significantly over the years, and has experienced global expansion. †¢Main competence lies on the use of information technology (IT) to fully support its international logistics system. Therefore, companies in this industry can see how their individual products perform within the United States for instance, or even at stores at a glance. †¢Is able to deliver good customer care, as the limited amount of work would mean plenty of time to devote to customers. †¢Products have established a strong reputation within the market. †¢Offers little deficits and overheads. Therefore the companies in this industry can offer good value to customers on a consistent basis. Weaknesses: †¢Is one of the worlds largest industries but has a weak control of its empire, despite its IT advantages. This could lead to a decrease in productivity in some areas where it has the least control. †¢Since companies in this industry sell products across many sectors, they may lack the flexibility that some of its more focused competitors possess. †¢Operates globally, but its presence is located in only relatively few countries worldwide. †¢Some luxury goods lack market presence or reputation †¢The company’s cash flow is unreliable especially in the early stages of a new luxury product development. †¢Over flooding doesn’t leave a luxury brand a real luxury brand. Opportunities: †¢Taking over, merging, or forming strategic alliances with other luxury good companies while focusing on strong markets like Europe or the Greater China Region and India. †¢Luxury good companies operate only on trade in a relatively small number of countries all over the world. Thus, this would open the opportunities for future businesses in expanding various consumer markets, such as those in China and India. †¢The opening of new locations and branches offer luxury good companies the opportunities to exploit market development. This could lead to the diversification of the company’s branches from large super centres to local-based sites. †¢Opportunities exist for luxury good companies to continue with their current strategy of establishing large branches worldwide. †¢The industry is continuously expanding, with plenty of future opportunities to exploit for success. †¢AS FOR INDIA IT IS â€Å"THE â€Å"INDUSTRY OF FUTURE maybe 10 more years. Threats: †¢Being number one means that the luxury goods industry is the target of competition, the industry to beat, both locally and globally. †¢Being a global retailer means that luxury goods companies might be exposed to political problems in the countries where the company has operations. †¢The production costs of most luxury products have the tendency to fall because of lower manufacturing costs. Manufacturing costs fall because of outsourcing to low-cost regions around the globe. This phenomenon could lead to competition in prices, which in turn would result in the deflation of prices in various ranges. Intense price competition must definitely be considered a threat. †¢Indian mentality of the masses. †¢REPUTATION, if it goes down company goes down. Detailed Analysis of the Industry Environment The assessment of the industry attractiveness is performed using the Porter’s Five Forces Model. A. Threat of New Entrants New entrants in the luxury goods industry will have to deal with high costs of entry for their latest technologies. Most major competitors in this industry have yet to establish strong distribution channels. This will severely hamper their plans to retaliate with their technological developments as without distribution channels, their products would never be seriously considered in the market by customers. These companies must worry though about certain government laws in some countries that might weaken their competitive position (2002). B. Bargaining Power of Suppliers. Suppliers of luxury goods have relatively lower bargaining power because their products have yet to establish consistency in the market. This is in contrary to ordinary brands where these products have been able to secure the confidence of its customers worldwide. C. Bargaining Power of Buyers A majority of consumers in the luxury goods industry are professionals who rely on mobile and expensive gadgets and expect seamless services every time they use them. For instance, a customer phones in a service request from the New York airport while boarding a plane bound to Paris the same day. The technical people in New York will immediately work on the service ticket of the client. And when that client arrives in Paris, he / she would be able to call the New York service centre and pick up exactly where he / she left off (1999). The bargaining power of buyers in the luxury goods industry is relatively high because there are only few, large players in the industry. D. Threat of Substitutes There are very little threats that could emerge from possible substitutes. This is because product-for-product substitution could not possibly happen especially with luxury goods. Other products cannot simply replace the ingenuity of the established luxury products in the market. Also, the millions of users of these luxury products surely would find it too uncomfortable using other products other than their luxury products CASE STUDY: THE MURJANI GROUP OVERVIEW Murjani Group develops, launches, and builds various designer lifestyle brands. It operates in the United States, India, and internationally. Murjani Group was founded in 1930 and is based in New York, New York. They partner with international luxury brands and retail them in India. KEY EXECUTIVES Managing Director: Mr. Vijay Murjani. Chief Operating Officer: Mr. Pradeep Mansukhani Business Head of French Connection: Mr. Dhiresh Sharma Marketing Head of Luxury Division: Mr. Vikram Raizada Business Head of Gucci: Ms. Ananda Kara JOURNEY 1930: Mr B. K. Murjani found the group in Shanghai, CHINA with it’s first retail store 1950: After the world war Murjani commenced operations in Hong kong with a trading company. 1952: Murjani sets up Hong Kong’s first garment manufacturing factory. 1958: With 6 years, Murjani grew to one of the largest apparel producers in the world, with a production capacity in excess of 10 million units per annum. 1966: The current Chairman, Mohan Murjani, joins the group. 1966: The Group commenced its transition from manufacturing to designer lifestyle brand development and marketing, by launching its first brand in the USA, â€Å" Marco Polo† 1976: Murjani launches the â€Å"First Designer jean† 1980: Murjani sponsors the US Open 1985: Murjani launched Tommy Hilfiger,in 1985. Here again Murjani group re-enforced their panache with ground breaking and ingenious marketing, to ensure that Tommy Hilfiger, would almost immediately, positioned amongst the top designers in the world. The innovative brand marketing and management techniques adopted by Murjani Group over the years, have changed the very paradigm of marketing, merchandising and retailing, as we know it today. 1986: Murjani launches â€Å"Coca-Cola clothes Why India With a luxury boom in India, there are over one million luxury consumers, which is only a fraction of eight million plus consumers who have the disposable incomes but are unfamiliar with the luxury segment. The growth rate is 14. 6 per cent. Target audience is 22-55 year olds. India’s luxury goods market of Rs 717 billion is set to expand with a new firm to facilitate process by bringing together buyers and manufacturers. India’s total retail market has been estimated at $160 billion or Rs 7,170 billion, covering eight million consumers. Of them, one million are considered to be in the luxury brands segment 2000: NAMASTE INDIA The Murjani Group for many years, was very keen to establish a presence in the Indian market, but had to wait for the right time. In 2000 with the rapid growth in the consuming class, Murjani was amongs.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Health Hand Hygiene

Health Hand Hygiene The compliance of health care workers (HCWs) with hand hygiene and disinfection quality practices is considered one of HHUMC principle objectives because of its direct impact on healthcare provision . Hand washing is the single most effective measure of preventing healthcare associated infections. The Infection Control committee runs an ongoing hand hygiene campaign to raise compliance rates. The main elements of which are: Promotion of alcohol hand disinfectants which have been shown to significantly improve compliance.: Alcohol-based hand disinfection dispensers were installed in all hospital departments Staff training : the infection control committee conducts routine and scheduled training on hand hygiene and the importance of alcohol disinfectant use for all hospital staff Hand washing Message: the infection control team encouraged the placement of hand hygiene posters in all hospital hallways and departments.The graphic reminders are an effective measure in reaching a large number of the hospital population which includes staff and hospital visitors and promoting the messag about the importance of good hand hygiene practices and techniques. Observational Audit: The Infection Control team carried an observational audit of targeted staff that have direct patient contact in all hospital departments during the period January 2007 to November 2007. The IC/OHS committee provided an annual schedule for the departments to be visited and audited. The audit entails monitoring the practice of all Health-care workers (HCWs) against the requirement that hands must be decontaminated before and after every contact with patients or invasive devices, prior to any aseptic procedure and after handling body fluids or contaminated materials. These contacts are described as hand hygiene opportunities. Compliance can be defined as either washing hands with liquid soap and water or rubbing with an alcohol disinfectant, in accordance with a hand hygiene opportunity. Compliance = Hand hygiene carried out x 100 Opportunity for hand hygiene (O) In quarter I of 2007 the compliance rate was 73%. During the quarter II, compliance decreased to 71% and in the quarter III and IV the compliance rate were 72.2 % 70 % respectively. The hospital-wide annual compliance average rate was 71.5 % which is an improvement from the 69% compliance rate of 2006 and a continued improment since compliance was measured in 2005. It is also above the hospital goal for the first time. The annual score for each department is shown in the figure below. The HHUMC Infection Control Department set a QI score of 70% or more to be achieved in 2007 in order to continuously improve compliance. The pie chart below represents the hospital department scores divided into the percentage of hospital departments that have achieved the score. The departments that received the lowest scores are the departments that will be closely monitored and already received extra attention in order to improve their compliance with the hand washing policy. Most of the hospital departments reached their goal. Interventions such as staff training, promotion of alcohol hand disinfectants, putting posters and monitoring staff performance played a significant step in improving hand washing compliance in the hospital. During the observations, barriers to hand hygiene were identified, e.g. no paper towels, alcohol disinfectants in dispensers. Some of the observations also gave concern about staff not decontaminating their hands following removal of gloves. Findings were identified and transmitted to the nursing director, department managers, and staff on duty after the audits. Future plans for hand hygiene campaign The infection control department plans to continue its activities to further promote and train the the hospital staff in the use of alcohol hand disinfectants. The observational audits will be repeated at least twice each year. Additional engagement with the nursing departments that have scored the lowest in the recent audit has already begun and the root causes for the lack of compliance with the hand hygiene recommendations will be analysed. The causes that are associated with lower compliance are related to the infrastructure and ease of available sites for hand disinfection as well as the promotion of the â€Å"hand hygiene culture†.